
Contribute to development!!

PlaneShift is not a complete game, and it's in development right now. We are seeking talented programmers, artists, musicians, writers to reach the next step of evolution and make this game really high quality and enjoyable. If you want to help please read here.

Follow these 4 Steps to Play !

  1. Review the minimum system requirements (at the end of our about page).
  2. Register a new account. Accounts are completely free and there are no hidden costs, premium accounts or similar.
  3. (Optional) Decide the price for this game yourself
    Becoming a Patreon: Become a Patron! Or via Paypal:
  4. Download the correct installer for your platform (listed below)

Important Note: Update your video card drivers! With old drivers, the client will most likely crash or give you very strange visual artifacts.

Standard download: Windows

Version Mirror Location Link Size
PlaneShift Unreal USA Flag U.S.A. Download 6.5Gb

PSUnreal Windows Client md5 checksum: 2faf3591e033ac4564623dc3f1fa195a

If after the download you experience problems in running the installer program, be sure that the size of the file you have matches the size above.

Tip: You can check if the file you downloaded is exactly the same as the one we have here downloading this tool.

Do you want to be a mirror site? Contact us!

Standard download: Linux

Version Mirror Location Link Size
PSUnreal USA Flag U.S.A. Download 6Gb

PSUnreal Linux Client md5 checksum: 12b7756e704a1db38a2d8808084b20ae

Tip: You can check if the file you downloaded is exactly the same as the one we have here by using md5sum on the command line in linux.

Do you want to be a mirror site? Contact us!

Standard download: Mac OSX

Version Mirror Location Link Size
PSUnreal USA Flag U.S.A. Download 5.7Gb

PSUnreal Mac OSX Client md5 checksum:

Tip: You can check if the file you downloaded is exactly the same as the one we have here by using md5 on a terminal window on Mac.

Do you want to be a mirror site? Contact us!

Genuine and clean software!

We have been certified to be 100% clean of spyware, adware or viruses:

Softmedia Spyware Free Logo

Source Code

For PlaneShift Legacy we provide our source code for those who wish to study/analyze the code. Click here if you wish to follow this path.