Developer Q&A
Note: This is an in game event, please login in game at the give time and location (see below). Ask a Game Master or other players for information.
Event Purpose
Note this is an OOC (Out of Character) event. This is a chance for players to come meet the Planeshift Developers and ask them questions and find out about what new things are in the works and how the game development is progressing. Bring your ideas on new features, or comments about what you would like to see changed, balancing questions, etc...
The meeting should last about an hour. You will have the chance to speak with different Developers working on different areas, so the subjects can range from music to engine, going through setting, lore, rules, ... To ensure everyone can speak, we ask attendees who want to ask a question to stand up and walk to the stand in the middle of the room. If there are more people, a queue will be formed. One question per person, then you can queue again.
The Hydlaa courthouse. The courthouse is located across the street from Jayose's Library. Go up the ramp next to Taulim and go straight ahead to the door in front of you. Right click the door to enter.